woman lighting a small fireplace

Energy Crisis Update: Up to 50% Heat Loss in Homes is through old Doors and Windows

Poorly maintained, or ageing and defective windows and doors eventually hit you hard in the pocket. Return on Investment with new windows, especially with current energy prices can be very impressive.
That’s what makes ENERGY EFFICIENCY as the most sought after trait of any new or used home on the market (https://phpdonline.co.uk/news/energy-efficiency-ranked-as-most-sought-after-property-feature/)

Find Out How New Wooden windows or doors can help save you money and protect you from wasting precious energy

Seaton Joinery Ltd can help customers save money by replacing old windows and doors within their property.

  1. Energy efficiency: Old windows and doors can be a major source of heat loss in a home. By replacing them with new, energy-efficient products, customers can reduce their heating and cooling costs. New windows and doors can have a lower U-value, which means they have a better insulation properties, this can result in a reduction of energy consumption and costs.
  2. Air leakage: Old windows and doors can also be a major source of air leakage, which can lead to drafts and decreased indoor air quality. Replacing them with new, properly sealed products can help to improve indoor air quality and reduce drafts, making the home more comfortable.
  3. Maintenance: Old windows and doors can require frequent maintenance, such as painting and repairs, which can be costly over time. New windows and doors, on the other hand, require less maintenance and are more durable, which can save customers money in the long run.
  4. Aesthetics: Old windows and doors can be unsightly and can negatively impact the overall appearance of a home. New windows and doors can improve the appearance of a home and increase its curb appeal, which can increase its value.
  5. Safety: Old windows and doors may not have the same safety features as new ones and may not meet current safety standards. New windows and doors can have locking mechanisms, hinge protection, and fire-resistant glass, which can improve the overall security of the home.

In conclusion, Seaton Joinery Ltd can help customers save money by replacing old windows and doors within their property. The new products can help improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and overall appearance of the home, as well as reduce maintenance costs and improve safety. Additionally, new windows and doors can also increase the value of the home